At °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê we’re proud to offer three different alternate programs, supporting the full range of needs that our diverse learners have.


°ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê offers the SIGMA PROGRAM, an academic program located inside °ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê Secondary School and available to students from 16 to 18 years of age. We offer flexible programming in an academic setting, smaller class sizes, and continuous enrollment with a wide variety of courses in preparation for Grade 12 graduation (Dogwood Diploma). Out of District students are accepted.

To find out more about SIGMA, go here: /our-schools/sigma/


POWER Alternate Secondary School

°ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê is home to the POWER Alternate Secondary School, an innovative and unique learning opportunity for students 16 to 18 years of age. POWER Alternate Secondary School offers students high school graduation with the Dogwood Diploma and incorporates academic and work experience opportunities, individualized support and instruction, as well as recreational and artistic experiences.

In addition, POWER Alternate Secondary School offers a variety of structured and self-paced courses, each following the prescribed BC Ministry of Education curriculum. Each term, a different combination of grade ten, eleven and twelve courses is offered. Students take all of the required courses for their high school diploma. The school’s educators are certified by the BC College of Teachers.

To find out more about POWER Alternate, go here: /´Ç³Ü°ù-²õ³¦³ó´Ç´Ç±ô²õ/±è´Ç·É±ð°ù/Ìý


Royal City Alternate Program (RCAP)

°ÄÃŶþ·Ö²Ê offers the ROYAL CITY ALTERNATE PROGRAM (RCAP) to students 13 to 16 years of age. This academic program offers coursework up to Grade 10 completion and provides a transition to regular or alternate high school programs with social and emotional support in and outside of the classroom.

To learn more about RCAP, go here: /our-schools/rcap/